Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator Object
    [total:protected] => 1
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    [items:protected] => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection Object
            [items:protected] => Array
                    [0] => App\Recipe Object
                            [dates:protected] => Array
                                    [0] => deleted_at
                                    [1] => denied_at

                            [fillable:protected] => Array
                                    [0] => user_id
                                    [1] => title
                                    [2] => slug
                                    [3] => teaser
                                    [4] => instructions
                                    [5] => number_of_persons
                                    [6] => time_pretreatment
                                    [7] => time_preparation
                                    [8] => time_preparation_title_id
                                    [9] => time_overal
                                    [10] => import_id
                                    [11] => import_ingredients
                                    [12] => number_of_views
                                    [13] => default_image_id
                                    [14] => import_username
                                    [15] => published
                                    [16] => video_url

                            [perPage:protected] => 40
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                            [attributes:protected] => Array
                                    [id] => 12728
                                    [user_id] => 24
                                    [title] => Párok v rožku
                                    [slug] => parok-v-rozku
                                    [teaser] => V podstate je to hot-dog.
                                    [instructions] => Kúpite rožok
Kúpite párok
Dáte párok do rožka
                                    [number_of_persons] => 1
                                    [time_pretreatment] => 0
                                    [time_preparation] => 5
                                    [time_preparation_title_id] => 3
                                    [time_overal] => 
                                    [number_of_views] => 0
                                    [default_image_id] => 754
                                    [video_url] => 
                                    [published] => 0
                                    [published_by] => 
                                    [denied_at] => 
                                    [denied_by] => 
                                    [import_id] => 
                                    [import_ingredients] => 
                                    [import_username] => 
                                    [created_at] => 2018-05-07 15:01:10
                                    [updated_at] => 2018-05-07 15:01:10
                                    [deleted_at] => 

                            [original:protected] => Array
                                    [id] => 12728
                                    [user_id] => 24
                                    [title] => Párok v rožku
                                    [slug] => parok-v-rozku
                                    [teaser] => V podstate je to hot-dog.
                                    [instructions] => Kúpite rožok
Kúpite párok
Dáte párok do rožka
                                    [number_of_persons] => 1
                                    [time_pretreatment] => 0
                                    [time_preparation] => 5
                                    [time_preparation_title_id] => 3
                                    [time_overal] => 
                                    [number_of_views] => 0
                                    [default_image_id] => 754
                                    [video_url] => 
                                    [published] => 0
                                    [published_by] => 
                                    [denied_at] => 
                                    [denied_by] => 
                                    [import_id] => 
                                    [import_ingredients] => 
                                    [import_username] => 
                                    [created_at] => 2018-05-07 15:01:10
                                    [updated_at] => 2018-05-07 15:01:10
                                    [deleted_at] => 

                            [relations:protected] => Array

                            [hidden:protected] => Array

                            [visible:protected] => Array

                            [appends:protected] => Array

                            [guarded:protected] => Array
                                    [0] => *

                            [dateFormat:protected] => 
                            [casts:protected] => Array

                            [touches:protected] => Array

                            [observables:protected] => Array

                            [with:protected] => Array

                            [morphClass:protected] => 
                            [exists] => 1
                            [wasRecentlyCreated] => 
                            [forceDeleting:protected] => 



    [perPage:protected] => 5
    [currentPage:protected] => 1
    [path:protected] =>
    [query:protected] => Array

    [fragment:protected] => 
    [pageName:protected] => page

Kuchár Som KtoSom

Som KtoSom

O kuchárovi

Recepty: 1

- Užívateľ si ešte nevyplnil profil o mne -

Všetky recepty a články od Som KtoSom

Párok v rožku

Párok v rožku

Spôsob prípravy: Kuchyňa: 0
Hodnotenie: (0 / 5)

V podstate je to hot-dog.

Čítaj viac